What We Do
The MediGroup EBI team aims to advance the standard of care in Australia and New Zealand by finding and distributing medical technology that we believe give clinicians the tools, technologies and techniques they need to achieve this.
Founded in 2004, Medigroup EBI has a track record of gaining regulatory approval and reimbursement of niche medical technologies from around the world.
Our particular focus is introducing surgical specialists to new products and often whole new product categories. Our geographic focus is Australia and New Zealand.
Working with government, regulatory bodies, doctors, hospitals and clinics, doing what it takes to make the best medical devices on the market accessible for patients. We form long term partnerships with our suppliers acting as regulatory sponsor and distributor, either under our general terms for the purchase of medical products that comply with local regulations, or specific long term agreements we mutually agree with our partners.
Therapeutic Areas
- Neurosurgery
- Cardiothoracic and Cardiac Surgery
- General Surgery
- Trauma Surgery
- Colorectal Surgery
- Upper GI Surgery
- Obstetric and Gynaecology Surgery
- Urology and Urogenital Surgery
- Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
- Sports Medicine
- Wound Care
- Scar Treatment
- Infection Control